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Slichot - Ashkenaz

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About Slichot - Ashkenaz

Some of the users experince problem of "bad file". To fix that you will need to install the pdf viewer - Adobe Acrobat. Afterwards - clean the default settings of PDF openeing. [go to "settings" -> "General" -> "Applications" -> open Google Drive than click "Default" and "clean defaults".
Open Kinos app, and open file than choose open with Adobe Acrobat - that's should be fine now.

For viewing the printed kinos, you need a PDF viewer, such as: Adobe Reader - search on Google Play - WORKS GREAT!

Please Don't give low rating if the PDF doesn't work for you, just install Adobe Reader on your phone then try again.
Thank you!


Book of Slichot - printed book.
Attention! This version is Nosach Ashkenaz only! For Nosach Sfardi please download the Sfardi version!

* Slichot for before Rosh Hashana.
* Slichot for Erev Rosh Hashana.
* Slichot for Aseret Yemei Tshuva.
* Slicoht for Erev Yom Hakipurim.

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