عن أنس, قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: «إن لكل شيء قلبا, وقلب القرآن يس, ومن قرأ يس كتب الله له بقراءتها قراءة القرآن عشر مرات»
Narrated by Anas (bin Malik) he said: The Prophet SAW. said: "Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is surah Yasin, anyone who reads the letter Yasin, then he got a reward as reading the Quran 10 times. Demikianlan hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi, with the classification of hadith is weak or weak. However Letter Yasin remains a letter of the Quran which saves a lot of life lessons. In the letter Yasin told struggle of the warrior of Allah in preaching invites Qaum to believe in Allah, and although the bodies had died, but feel how sweet martyr killed in the state. In the letter Yasin There are warnings about the enormity of Hell and beauty of heaven, Allah also expressed about the greatness that is visible in the paragraph - paragraph kauniyah which provide many benefits to humans and led to much grateful to Allah.
This application note presents a melodious chant IN FULL Yasin from the beginning to the paragraph terakhirdalam Murottal (by Ziyad Patel) and Quran recitations Arts (Muammar ZA.)
Our expectations, may benefit us all .... Amen
Narrated by Anas (bin Malik) he said: The Prophet SAW. said: "Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is surah Yasin, anyone who reads the letter Yasin, then he got a reward as reading the Quran 10 times. Demikianlan hadith narrated by Imam Tirmidhi, with the classification of hadith is weak or weak. However Letter Yasin remains a letter of the Quran which saves a lot of life lessons. In the letter Yasin told struggle of the warrior of Allah in preaching invites Qaum to believe in Allah, and although the bodies had died, but feel how sweet martyr killed in the state. In the letter Yasin There are warnings about the enormity of Hell and beauty of heaven, Allah also expressed about the greatness that is visible in the paragraph - paragraph kauniyah which provide many benefits to humans and led to much grateful to Allah.
This application note presents a melodious chant IN FULL Yasin from the beginning to the paragraph terakhirdalam Murottal (by Ziyad Patel) and Quran recitations Arts (Muammar ZA.)
Our expectations, may benefit us all .... Amen
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