Qur'an is the book of the holding, the reference for reference, the source of all sources, the basis for all science and knowledge, the extent of the validity of the science must be measured by the standard is the Qur'an. He is the master of science, where there is no one thing that is missing any [1], everything was covered in it that regulates various asfek human life, whether related to Allah (Hablum minallah); human beings (Hablum minannas); nature, environment, science and theology, social sciences, natural sciences, empirical sciences, theology, public and so on. (Q.S. Al-an'am: 38). More Achmad Baiquni said, "in fact all human knowledge needed was available in the Qur'an"
Qur'an is the book of the holding, the reference for reference, the source of all sources, the basis for all science and knowledge, the extent of the validity of the science must be measured by the standard is the Qur'an. He is the master of science, where there is no one thing that is missing any [1], everything was covered in it that regulates various asfek human life, whether related to Allah (Hablum minallah); human beings (Hablum minannas); nature, environment, science and theology, social sciences, natural sciences, empirical sciences, theology, public and so on. (Q.S. Al-an'am: 38). More Achmad Baiquni said, "in fact all human knowledge needed was available in the Qur'an"
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