Maulid Diba' Lengkap dan MP3 icon

Maulid Diba' Lengkap dan MP3

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About Maulid Diba' Lengkap dan MP3

Book of Mawlid Diba ', a famous works in the world of Islam is a Mawlid composed by a great scholar and hadith experts Wajihuddin namely Imam' Abdur Rahman bin Muhammad bin 'Umar bin' Ali bin Yusuf bin Ahmad bin 'Umar ad-Diba`ie asy -Syaibani al-Yamani az- Zabidi ash-Syafi`i. He was born on the 4th of Muharram haribulan year 866H and died days
Friday 12 Rajab 944H years. He is a scholar of hadith which
famous and no benchmarks appeal at the time of his life. He taught the book "Shohih" Imam al-Bukhari lebihdari 100 times seal. he reached
darjat Hafiz in the science of hadith is one who memorizes 100,000 hadith with sanadnya.

Applications diba birthday 'contains Maulid Diba' and follows the chanting maulid diba 'mp3. May the blessings and benefits.

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