Sing along to your favorite Day6 Songs!
Find all lyrics from every Day6's Albums and Singles, complete with ROMANIZATION, HANGUL, and ENGLISH translation.
Day6 (데이식스) is a South Korean band formed by JYP Entertainment. The band's current line-up consists of five members: Jae, Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon. The band debuted with the release of their first EP, The Day on September 7, 2015.
Day6 Albums & Singles:
1. The Day (2015)
2. Daydream (2016)
3. Sunrise (2017)
4. Moonrise (2017)
Sing along to your favorite Day6 Songs!
Find all lyrics from every Day6's Albums and Singles, complete with ROMANIZATION, HANGUL, and ENGLISH translation.
Day6 (데이식스) is a South Korean band formed by JYP Entertainment. The band's current line-up consists of five members: Jae, Sungjin, Young K, Wonpil, and Dowoon. The band debuted with the release of their first EP, The Day on September 7, 2015.
Day6 Albums & Singles:
1. The Day (2015)
2. Daydream (2016)
3. Sunrise (2017)
4. Moonrise (2017)
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