Obstetrics & Gyenacology Ultrasound compried the ultrasound scan of of the fetus and the mother, with cases and short description of ultrasound images manifestation including:
All trimesters Scan
Fetal Anatomy
Fetal Gender/Sex Determination
Placental Evaluation/Abnormaly and Previa
gyenacological cases including...Bulky uterus, Endometrial hyperplasia, Ovarian Cyst,
Abortion, Molar Pregnancy, Cervicitis and Vaginitis,Endometritis, Retained Product of conception
Blighted Ovum. Etc.
All trimesters Scan
Fetal Anatomy
Fetal Gender/Sex Determination
Placental Evaluation/Abnormaly and Previa
gyenacological cases including...Bulky uterus, Endometrial hyperplasia, Ovarian Cyst,
Abortion, Molar Pregnancy, Cervicitis and Vaginitis,Endometritis, Retained Product of conception
Blighted Ovum. Etc.
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