Granite is a plutonic igneous rock formed by the slow cooling of a magma (molten aluminum) at great depths of the earth's crust.
This prolonged cooling allows large crystals to form, giving rise to the crystalline texture characteristic of granites.
The granitic rocks are constituted by three essential minerals: quartz, feldspar and micas; in addition to a very variable group of accessory minerals, which are presented in percentages below 5%, such as apatite, sphena, oxides, allanite, zircon, amphiboles, etc.
Both the formation process millions of years ago and the chemical composition of the granites, makes these stones exceptional materials for construction from the aesthetic point of view, but above all, from the technical point of view with high values of resistance and durability.
Commercially they are denominated "Granites" to a set of crystal rocks that include feldspars in their composition and whose crystals usually differentiate with the naked eye. Thus, within this term include plutonic igneous rocks (granite in the strict sense, granodiorite, syenite, diorite, gabbro ...), some volcanic igneous rocks (basalt or andesite) and metamorphic rocks (gneiss, migmatite, mylonite). ideal for elegant families.
This prolonged cooling allows large crystals to form, giving rise to the crystalline texture characteristic of granites.
The granitic rocks are constituted by three essential minerals: quartz, feldspar and micas; in addition to a very variable group of accessory minerals, which are presented in percentages below 5%, such as apatite, sphena, oxides, allanite, zircon, amphiboles, etc.
Both the formation process millions of years ago and the chemical composition of the granites, makes these stones exceptional materials for construction from the aesthetic point of view, but above all, from the technical point of view with high values of resistance and durability.
Commercially they are denominated "Granites" to a set of crystal rocks that include feldspars in their composition and whose crystals usually differentiate with the naked eye. Thus, within this term include plutonic igneous rocks (granite in the strict sense, granodiorite, syenite, diorite, gabbro ...), some volcanic igneous rocks (basalt or andesite) and metamorphic rocks (gneiss, migmatite, mylonite). ideal for elegant families.
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