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SYARAH SITTINA MAS'ALAH or better known as Syarah al Muqoddimah the book of the Syafi'i school of thought which discusses fiqh.
This book was written by Shaykh Abu al Abbas Ahmad bin Hamzah bin Ahamd al Ansharia al Romli, or better known as Imam Romli (d. 1004 H.).
This book is the Syarah or elaboration of the book Sittina Mas'alah by al Imam al 'Alim Abu al Abbas Ahmad al Zahid.
As the title of the book, this book discusses sixty religious issues that Muslims need to know. The content of the contents of the book is not far from the book of Mata, but he (Imam Romli) describes in detail the understanding contained in the book of Matan through his syarah.
Among the discussions of the book are:
1. Principles of Faith
2. The Principles of Islam
3. Istinja'
4. Ablution
5. Prayer
6. Zakat
7. Fasting
8. Hajj
And other discussions.
This book is very suitable to be used as reference reading, especially for observers of fiqh and tasawwuf.
sayyidina 'Ali bin abi tholib also said:
God bless you
From sayidina Ali bin abi tholib karomallohu wajhah:
"Verily, everything that grows on earth contains medicine and disease except rice, that rice actually contains medicine and there is no disease in it."
And from the information above it turns out that this rice was created by Allah from the Nur of the Prophet Muhammad saw, therefore it is sunnah for us to read sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
كتاب شرح الستين مسألة ص ١٣٤
Source of the book: syarah sittin mas'alah p. 134
SYARAH SITTINA MAS'ALAH or better known as Syarah al Muqoddimah the book of the Syafi'i school of thought which discusses fiqh.
This book was written by Shaykh Abu al Abbas Ahmad bin Hamzah bin Ahamd al Ansharia al Romli, or better known as Imam Romli (d. 1004 H.).
This book is the Syarah or elaboration of the book Sittina Mas'alah by al Imam al 'Alim Abu al Abbas Ahmad al Zahid.
As the title of the book, this book discusses sixty religious issues that Muslims need to know. The content of the contents of the book is not far from the book of Mata, but he (Imam Romli) describes in detail the understanding contained in the book of Matan through his syarah.
Among the discussions of the book are:
1. Principles of Faith
2. The Principles of Islam
3. Istinja'
4. Ablution
5. Prayer
6. Zakat
7. Fasting
8. Hajj
And other discussions.
This book is very suitable to be used as reference reading, especially for observers of fiqh and tasawwuf.
sayyidina 'Ali bin abi tholib also said:
God bless you
From sayidina Ali bin abi tholib karomallohu wajhah:
"Verily, everything that grows on earth contains medicine and disease except rice, that rice actually contains medicine and there is no disease in it."
And from the information above it turns out that this rice was created by Allah from the Nur of the Prophet Muhammad saw, therefore it is sunnah for us to read sholawat to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
كتاب شرح الستين مسألة ص ١٣٤
Source of the book: syarah sittin mas'alah p. 134
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