Checkers is a simple to pick up abstract strategy game. With a just a couple of rules, it is far more easier to play than Chess although the same board can be used to play it. Expect to finish the game quickly too. Game-play is simple and there is only one kind of piece on any side (except for king pieces that may appear later when the game is about to end). The pieces look like carom pieces. There is only one kind of move for any piece and all movement can only happen on the dark squares - which means a swift game-play. You move enemy pieces out of the board by jumping over them (not landing upon them as in Chess).
Play it with a friend or family member over the internet and sharpen your critical thinking abilities. A fun little game to entertain and recharge yourself during the stay-at-home times.
Excellent and engaging for Kids too. In built chat feature also helps you teach the game to someone who doesn't know it. There is support for smileys interaction too!
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A word from our sponsors: - check the most precise and visually augmented horoscope online. - programming, science, math, design, engineering, aptitude classes with instructors selected for quality and flexible scheduling, and pay if satisfied guarantee.
Play it with a friend or family member over the internet and sharpen your critical thinking abilities. A fun little game to entertain and recharge yourself during the stay-at-home times.
Excellent and engaging for Kids too. In built chat feature also helps you teach the game to someone who doesn't know it. There is support for smileys interaction too!
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A word from our sponsors: - check the most precise and visually augmented horoscope online. - programming, science, math, design, engineering, aptitude classes with instructors selected for quality and flexible scheduling, and pay if satisfied guarantee.
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