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Punyatithi Card Maker

Technitoz Solution
50,000+ downloads

About Punyatithi Card Maker

Varshik Punyatithi Card Maker is Made with Love in India. Whose Aim is to provide our valuable users to create Condolence Card on Demise
of our friends and family members instantly by using their smartphone without visiting any Photography Studio.
As we all know that when our family member leaves us unexpectedly, we don't have enough time to go to Photography Studio to make
cards for punyatithi. This app is also known as e-card maker app for punyatithi, Getting together for the memorial service.

★ Features ★
☆ 100% FREE App, Not required any signup or login
☆ Select photo from Gallery, Crop Image, Adjust selected image of your choice.
☆ Browse through available photo frame and select as per your choice
☆ Browse through available designs and select as per your choice
☆ Enter details of the Late Person
☆ Add the date of death to the card
☆ Add the name of the person who died
☆ 25 + free Background Card for free
☆ Print friendly and HD image download
☆ Enter Family Member Details
☆ Save card as an Image
☆ View created cards as known as History of created cards
☆ Share created cards on social media directly
☆ Easy and Clean User Interface

★ How to Use ★
☆ Select Death Person photo from Gallery.
☆ Choose Background according to your photo.
☆ Share your creations with friends.

Punyatithi Card Maker Screenshots