A convenient application for buying electronic tickets for events in Transnistria.
Now there is no need to travel for tickets in advance!
Choose the best seats and buy tickets from your smartphone at any time of the day. Concerts, film premieres, theatrical performances, entertainment for children, sports events, educational trainings - all the most interesting events in one application.
Payment is made in PMR rubles according to the details of the Clover card.
Advantages of the "PMR Ticket" application:
∙ fast authorization via social networks;
∙ saving payment card details;
∙ detailed description of events, trailers for movie premieres;
Now there is no need to travel for tickets in advance!
Choose the best seats and buy tickets from your smartphone at any time of the day. Concerts, film premieres, theatrical performances, entertainment for children, sports events, educational trainings - all the most interesting events in one application.
Payment is made in PMR rubles according to the details of the Clover card.
Advantages of the "PMR Ticket" application:
∙ fast authorization via social networks;
∙ saving payment card details;
∙ detailed description of events, trailers for movie premieres;
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