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La Porra En Juego

David Fernández Caracena
500+ downloads

About La Porra En Juego

It is a management application, useful for user groups who wish to celebrate, "Porras Football".

Football Porra understood by "holding bets on the combined result of two football matches."

Truncheon typical among friends, clubs, co-workers, to predict the results of the two selected games (home teams, a special tournament pairings, etc.) and where the winner takes the whole pot.

There are two types of Porra; setting the two parties to forecast exact match or exact match setting one and the other 1X2 (less for Peñas combinations. with few members).

If no one matches the result of the two parties the boat usually go to the next day, which sometimes generates significant boats (money or not, it depends on the agreements of the members of the rock).
the two major leagues in Spain are included as a template but you can register the clubs, leagues and teams you want, it is highly customizable.

It can be configured with pairings of Champions or World Russia 2018, or a youth league, anyway. Whenever it concerned two football matches.

It's best you try it. There is a guest mode with no need to register.
Inside are detailed performance information.

And if you dare to create and manage your own Peña do not hesitate to ask any questions by mail.

Because of its novelty may have an error that would solve as soon as detected. I hope communications and suggestions. Thank you.

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