BMT Bahtera Mobile Online is one of the service media from the IBS eChannel product for customers of microfinance institutions to be able to conduct electronic financial transactions using smartphones.
Transaction facilities:
- Check Savings/Deposit Balances
- Savings Account Movement Information
- Credit/Loan History Information
- Deposit balance information
- Payment
1. Jastel
2. PLN Postpaid
3. PLN Non-taglis
- Purchase
1. Credit Purchase
2. Purchase of electricity tokens
- Transfer
1. Fellow MFIs
2. Between MFIs
Transaction facilities:
- Check Savings/Deposit Balances
- Savings Account Movement Information
- Credit/Loan History Information
- Deposit balance information
- Payment
1. Jastel
2. PLN Postpaid
3. PLN Non-taglis
- Purchase
1. Credit Purchase
2. Purchase of electricity tokens
- Transfer
1. Fellow MFIs
2. Between MFIs
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