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CuddlyTails -Dog & Cat Sitting

Cuddly Tails
3.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About CuddlyTails -Dog & Cat Sitting

Book Pet Boarding, Pet Sitting, Dog Daycare, Pet Check in and Dog Walking in your neighborhood. Recently added Cat Boarding, Cat Sitting, Cat Check in services as well.

Cuddlytails provides 5 star rated and pre-verified sitters and walkers.

Cuddlytails connects Pet Owners with trusted and verified pet-loving neighbors. Finding a reliable sitter/walker for boarding, walking, sitting, check in and daycare services is easier and faster.

Cuddlytails is a pet-friendly neighborhood for pet owners to have a secure network for furry babies & for neighbors to have a fun time with pets.

For Pet Owners

Features on the Cuddlytails app include:

Book Boarding or Sitting Services and Relax: Enjoy your night-outs or vacations. Have your puppy exercise or taken care of when you are away. Just relax and book a sitter/walker, meet & greet the booked sitter/walker before to stay free from worries.

Refer a friend and earn $10: Invite a friend to book boarding or sitting services for their pet. You get $10 for your next service and your friend gets $10 too.

Find a reliable sitter/walker: Book a trusted and verified sitter/walker for your pet dog or cat by viewing the ratings and reviews on the profile of each sitter/walker. Select sitter/walker and compare numerous profiles to find the best one for your pet. Also, leave reviews behind after the service.

Inbox chat messages: Connect and Communicate easily with the booked sitter/walker. Share details and information relevant to your pet or discuss your pet's daily routine conveniently just in a few clicks.

Live updates on your pet activities: Be stress-free and get daily live updates, photo, and video alerts, a detailed report card on your pet’s activities during any service.

Track walker’s location: Track the GPS real-time location of the walker from accepting the service at your place to walking the dog and back.

Alerts on events: Get instantly notified of thrilling pet-friendly events in your neighborhood. Enjoy an amazing time with your dog while making new friends.

For Pet Walkers/Sitters

Earn money while having fun with pets! It is easier to access the pet parents of your neighborhood and provide services while enjoying convenience and flexibility, in 3 easy steps.

Create your profile and provide your details.
Share your experience about taking care of pets and pass the easiest assessment test to help us know your skills better.
After completing background verification, select your availability and enjoy sitting/walking dogs in your neighborhood.

Install the Cuddlytails app: Book a trusted walker/sitter of your neighborhood for your pet. Contribute to the greater good as Cuddlytails support rescues for each walk/sit. Give your pet the best and reliable care.

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We are always here for you, 24* 7 Customer support: +1-551-226-1561 or email at

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