Shantel Odidi
10+ downloads


The Wintek app is a platform to help educate and inspire women to excel in Tech by providing resources through training, mentorship, and collaborations with other like-minded women in the community that have a passion to learn new tech skills or enhance their already existing tech knowledge. The app also serves as an avenue to promote and support women-owned businesses. In the Business section of the app, women can list their businesses on the app based on their business categories and also, and women can search for women-owned businesses from the app to help support other women in their respective fields. As women, we all need the motivation to keep us going, the daily motivation section on the app provides, daily motivational quotes to help inspire app users. The Tech hub section gives access to several free google certificates and training that users can access directly from the app. Users can also test their tech knowledge by trying out the tech quiz section of the app which will be updated periodically. The connect section is the community where women can connect with other women in their community that can help inspire or mentor them. There is also a shop where users can buy beautiful swags specially designed for women.

WINTEK Screenshots