ahavaechad is happy to bring you the worlds first hebrew qwerty keyboard for android and (ios).
english speakers can type hebrew easily- phonetically
a = א
b = ב
g = ג
d = ד
there are only 3 that are not really phonetic but they make sense visually
w = ש - visually similar
j = ח - ח read with the through has an h sound - a soft j...
t = ת and next to it- is the other t sounding one- y = ט
english speakers can type hebrew easily- phonetically
a = א
b = ב
g = ג
d = ד
there are only 3 that are not really phonetic but they make sense visually
w = ש - visually similar
j = ח - ח read with the through has an h sound - a soft j...
t = ת and next to it- is the other t sounding one- y = ט
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