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Berita Muslim Jadwal Sholat da

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About Berita Muslim Jadwal Sholat da

Muslim Point application - Prayer Schedule presents the contents of the Prayer Schedule, Ruling Schedule, Al Quran, Daily Prayer and Qibla Direction according to the location for Muslims throughout Indonesia.

In addition to presenting the content of the Prayer Schedule, Ruling Schedule, Al-Quran and Prayer, the Point of Muslim Application - The Prayer Schedule also provides a variety of Lecture Videos that are filled by qualified scholars in the Islamic sciences.

Besides the application of Muslim Point - Prayer Schedule also presents a variety of news readings and the latest articles on the development of the Islamic world in Indonesia and abroad. Through various news channels that we have summarized in a collection of interesting Islamic articles in it.

Daily Koran and Prayer available in Muslim Point Application - Prayer Schedule is presented complete with Latin text and Indonesian translation, so that it can be easier for anyone who is not fluent in reading Arabic letters to be able to read Al Quran and Daily Prayers.

Muslim Point Application - Prayer Schedule provides a dynamic display in presenting the Koran and Prayers where you can choose to display Arabic or Latin texts or Indonesian translation so that it can be easier for you to read the Koran and daily prayers or in doing Tahlil and Yasin activities .

The Point Muslim application provides the Holy Quran complete with Latin texts and Indonesian translations, supported with murotal audio for all the holy verses with Indonesian translations in the Audio.

Everyday Prayer
The Point Muslim application provides Daily Prayers or Daily Prayers complete with Latin texts and Indonesian translations. Our goal is to make daily Prayers or Daily Prayers to make it easier for Muslims wherever you are to be able to always say the Prayers that have been exemplified by the Prophets and Apostles of Allah SWT.
The following is a list of Daily Prayers or Daily Prayers that are in the Muslim Point Application:
Prayer Before Eating
Prayer After Eating
Prayer After Drinking
Prayers When Eating and Forgot to Read Prayers
Prayer Before Sleeping
Prayers When Having Nightmares
Prayers When Having Good Dreams
Wake Up Prayer
Prayers Enter Bathroom or Toilet
Istinja Prayers
Praying Out the Bathroom or Toilet
Prayer Towards Fajr Prayer
Welcome Prayer in the morning
Prayers Welcome in the afternoon
Prayer When Reflecting
Prayers enter the house
Exit the Prayer House / Prayer Traveling
Prayer for Clothing
Prayers Wear New Clothes
Undressing Prayer
Prayers Ask For Knowledge That Is Useful
Prayer Before Study
Prayer After Learning
Leave Prayers
Vehicle Prayers
Ship Prayers
Prayers When They arrive at their destination
Prayer When Towards the Mosque
Prayer to enter the mosque
Prayer Out of the Mosque
Prayer Will Read the Qur'an
Prayer After Reading the Qur'an
Ablution Intentions Prayer
Prayer After Ablution
Prayer for Bathing (Not a Mandatory Bathing)

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