The North Cornwall (Trail ) Hunt originated in 1824 and operates around Bodmin and the North Cornwall area covering both inland farmland and the ancient moorland grounds of Bodmin Moor.
The Hunt always operates within the confines of the Hunting Act 2004 and to bring it into the 21st Century, we have launched this new app to help manage the days we are out which are predominantly Wednesdays and Saturdays between the months of September when we commence Autumn Trail Hunting and the end of March which is traditionally the close of the season. Our days consist of a combination of hound exercise and trail hunting.
As an organisation, we are also involved locally and manage many countryside equine events from Point to Point racing as well as recreational fun rides for all comers and competitive events such as our One Day Event. The app will help us to run events more efficiently and to be able to take online payments.
We have a wide demographic of members and supporters who will use the app including horse riders, countryside enthusiasts, farmers and landowners from children as young as 6 up to adults in their 80s.
As a predominantly rural organisation, this app will help us remain well connected and bring us into the 21st Century.
Toby Ashworth, Chairman
The Hunt always operates within the confines of the Hunting Act 2004 and to bring it into the 21st Century, we have launched this new app to help manage the days we are out which are predominantly Wednesdays and Saturdays between the months of September when we commence Autumn Trail Hunting and the end of March which is traditionally the close of the season. Our days consist of a combination of hound exercise and trail hunting.
As an organisation, we are also involved locally and manage many countryside equine events from Point to Point racing as well as recreational fun rides for all comers and competitive events such as our One Day Event. The app will help us to run events more efficiently and to be able to take online payments.
We have a wide demographic of members and supporters who will use the app including horse riders, countryside enthusiasts, farmers and landowners from children as young as 6 up to adults in their 80s.
As a predominantly rural organisation, this app will help us remain well connected and bring us into the 21st Century.
Toby Ashworth, Chairman
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