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Southern Soul Network

My Pocket Mobile Apps
4.9 out of 5
500+ downloads

About Southern Soul Network

Southern Soul Network is a Dallas based syndicator of radio programming to terrestrial radio stations, including THE R&B BLUES REVUE hosted by Da Wolf, voted the #1 syndicated southern soul & blues show in the country by the JUS’ BLUES AWARDS in Memphis in 2010.

• One-Touch Calling – contact our office directly with one click.
• Push Notification Messaging - receive messages containing important information while on the go.
• Share The App - share the app via SMS Text, Email or Social Media.
• Mailing List - join our mailing-list to stay update.
• Fan Wall – this features allows user to post comments and reply.
• Request Song- complete our form to request your favorite song to be played.

Download our app and enjoy!

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