Sunset Elementary School is a vibrant global learning community in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools system. Sunset’s renowned International Studies Magnet Program, the first one in South Florida, was created in 1986 in response to the needs of the area’s international community. This dual recognition program, in addition to a Global Curriculum in English, implements the demanding official Spanish, French, and German curriculum in the respective world language. A highly diverse faculty and student body, as well as superlative community involvement, further enhance SES’s learning experience.
Sunset Elementary embraces diversity. Its multicultural student body is composed of students from more than fifty countries who speak over twenty different languages at home. In order to accommodate divergent student abilities, Sunset Elementary offers an International Studies Magnet Program, a School of Choice Program, an integrated Math and Science Gifted Program, an Emotionally Handicapped Center, a Learning Disabilities/Varying Exceptionalities Program, and a Pre-Kindergarten Program. With the exception of world language instruction classes, students are heterogeneously grouped throughout the day.
There has been a school at our site since 1896!
Sunset Elementary embraces diversity. Its multicultural student body is composed of students from more than fifty countries who speak over twenty different languages at home. In order to accommodate divergent student abilities, Sunset Elementary offers an International Studies Magnet Program, a School of Choice Program, an integrated Math and Science Gifted Program, an Emotionally Handicapped Center, a Learning Disabilities/Varying Exceptionalities Program, and a Pre-Kindergarten Program. With the exception of world language instruction classes, students are heterogeneously grouped throughout the day.
There has been a school at our site since 1896!
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