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Stephenson Eagles

Appazur Solutions Inc.
50+ downloads

About Stephenson Eagles

Install the Stephenson Eagles app to keep up-to-date with the latest news, notifications, and schedule updates for the schools your children attend (Stephenson Area Public Schools, Stephenson, MI).

Benefits include:

* Push notifications will keep you updated about school closures and other news.
* Select the schools your children attend so you receive just the information you are interested in.
* Instant access to information even when your device is offline.
* You'll always have your school calendars and contact information on hand and up-to-date.
* Add school events to your phone's calendar, or spread the word by social media, email or text message.
* Conveniently e-mail or phone a school, or view in your maps app.

Visit to learn more.

This is a new product designed for your school district. If you have suggestions or problems, we welcome you to contact us using the Feedback feature on the Help screen. Thank you.

Stephenson Eagles Screenshots