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RufBus ZAK

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About RufBus ZAK

RufBus ZAK is the App of the RufBus Zollernalb. Search and book your on-call bus quickly and easily with the app if the regular bus timetable is not sufficient. When the bus timetable ends on Friday evening and Saturday, the RufBus can be ordered throughout the Zollernalb district.

How does the RufBus work?
Simply select the desired trip in the timetable and request the RufBus at least one hour in advance from the RufBuszentrale on 0 74 71/93 50 50 or send a WhatsApp to 0151/14 11 83 00.

At the confirmed departure time, the bus will go to the desired
stop coming.

The regular naldo tariffs apply for the ride, without any

Search and book your RufBus directly via our app.

RufBus ZAK Screenshots