2018 Regents Exams are now available in the paid App. Practice NY Regents Exams including Common core Math Algebra, Geometry, Trig, English, Global History, US History, Living Environment, Earth Science, Chemistry, and physics. The latest regents practice questions are now available in the paid App. The App downloads publicly available PDF files of Regents Exams and allows the student to organize them and practice them on their portable devices. Please, pardon the appearance of the app we still need to hire a designer. This app does not do any magic. Don't download it the last week before the regents and expect a miracle. This is a free trial with no Ads. If you find it useful, please support us by getting the paid version that has more features.
App Permissions:
The App uses the internet to download the latest exams, answers, and reference tables. It will need access to wifi or mobile data connection. The app also needs permission to register your phone ID to give you a free trial. That information is encrypted and stored temporarily. It is not shared with any third party. The paid app does not register your phone ID.
Future work:
With enough support we plan to allow students to store the results of their attempts so they can compare the questions they keep getting wrong on multiple attempts.
App Targets High School Students and teachers 14 years or older
App Permissions:
The App uses the internet to download the latest exams, answers, and reference tables. It will need access to wifi or mobile data connection. The app also needs permission to register your phone ID to give you a free trial. That information is encrypted and stored temporarily. It is not shared with any third party. The paid app does not register your phone ID.
Future work:
With enough support we plan to allow students to store the results of their attempts so they can compare the questions they keep getting wrong on multiple attempts.
App Targets High School Students and teachers 14 years or older
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