Prepare for KPSS, TYT, AYT, YKS, LGS, ALES, YDS and DGS exams with the most up-to-date tests of experienced and quality publishing houses.
Prepare for Exams with Solve-Pass.
- Quickly access up-to-date, new generation tests from quality and experienced publishers, and have electronic copies of printed test books.
- Take quizzes anywhere, anytime.
- Find out your test result, success, ranking, strengths and weaknesses.
- Access the tests specially prepared for you to improve yourself on the subjects you are weak.
- Do not waste time with questions that are of poor quality, outdated, unknown, far from measuring, and do not reflect the reality of the exam.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the app paid?
- Downloading and installing the application and the tests you receive with your daily renewed gift rights are free of charge.
2. Are the tests paid?
- Every day, you will receive 10 tests of your choice from Solve-Pass. After your daily gift rights are over, you can continue to solve it by purchasing credits.
- Solve-Pass is not just an application where there are tests and the questions you can't solve are solved. It is an artificial intelligence supported application that continuously monitors your progress by identifying the areas you are lacking, and provides you with special suggestions to prepare you for the exams in the best way.
4. Why aren't the tests for the exam I'm looking for in the system?
- We are in talks with quality publishing houses and experienced teachers. As new tests are added to the system, you will be notified via the application.
Prepare for KPSS, TYT, AYT, YKS, LGS, ALES, YDS and DGS exams with the most up-to-date tests of experienced and quality publishing houses.
Prepare for Exams with Solve-Pass.
- Quickly access up-to-date, new generation tests from quality and experienced publishers, and have electronic copies of printed test books.
- Take quizzes anywhere, anytime.
- Find out your test result, success, ranking, strengths and weaknesses.
- Access the tests specially prepared for you to improve yourself on the subjects you are weak.
- Do not waste time with questions that are of poor quality, outdated, unknown, far from measuring, and do not reflect the reality of the exam.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is the app paid?
- Downloading and installing the application and the tests you receive with your daily renewed gift rights are free of charge.
2. Are the tests paid?
- Every day, you will receive 10 tests of your choice from Solve-Pass. After your daily gift rights are over, you can continue to solve it by purchasing credits.
- Solve-Pass is not just an application where there are tests and the questions you can't solve are solved. It is an artificial intelligence supported application that continuously monitors your progress by identifying the areas you are lacking, and provides you with special suggestions to prepare you for the exams in the best way.
4. Why aren't the tests for the exam I'm looking for in the system?
- We are in talks with quality publishing houses and experienced teachers. As new tests are added to the system, you will be notified via the application.
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