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Lottery number generator

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About Lottery number generator

Lottery number generator

We provide fast and easy lottery number recommendation, QR code number registration, and QR code scanner that can confirm winnings for free.

* Lotto
We recommend lottery numbers.
Selected in the mandatory/excluded number menu when recommending
We recommend including mandatory numbers and excluding excluded numbers.

* My number
Shows the list of recommended/registered numbers.
Provides a search function to search whether the number has been won.
Provides a function to check if there is a number that matches the recent winning number.
We provide a QR code scanner that allows you to register lottery numbers by scanning the QR code on the lottery paper.
It provides a function to select individual or multiple numbers and delete them.

* Winning number
We provide a QR code scanner that can scan the QR code of the lottery purchase paper and a link to the winning number check site that can check whether you have won in real time.

* Required/excluded number
You can set the last n winning numbers as exclusion numbers.
When recommending lottery numbers, select the required/excluded numbers from 1 to 45.
Required number - Long click, Excluded number, Cancel - You can use it with a click.

* Settings
Number Suggestions - Shows referral numbers at startup.
Sort Number - Displays the numbers sorted in descending order.
Number of recommendations - When recommending numbers, designate the number of numbers to recommend.
Excluded round - Set the most recent winning round to be set as an exclusion number.
Include Bonus Number - Include bonus number when excluded.

Lottery number generator Screenshots