"Swipe, Get, Share".
7-Eleven Norway for Android.
Produced for Reitan Servicehandel by Apphuset AS (www.apphuset.com) in cooperation with provider of mobile coupons,Liquid Barcodes (www.barcodes.no)
Note! Some people have been asking why the application needs the following permissions:
* android.permission.SEND_SMS
* android.permission.CALL_PHONE
This is because:
* coupons can easily be shared with friends and family via SMS
* 7-Eleven stores can be called directly from the store finder
7-Eleven Norway for Android.
Produced for Reitan Servicehandel by Apphuset AS (www.apphuset.com) in cooperation with provider of mobile coupons,Liquid Barcodes (www.barcodes.no)
Note! Some people have been asking why the application needs the following permissions:
* android.permission.SEND_SMS
* android.permission.CALL_PHONE
This is because:
* coupons can easily be shared with friends and family via SMS
* 7-Eleven stores can be called directly from the store finder
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