It’s an issue that has plagued humanity since the dawn of the mobile phone. We rely on our phones so much that they rarely get through a day with any power left. Many of us plug them in at night and fall asleep, content in the knowledge that we’ll wake up to a fully charged device.
You can minimize degradation by treating your battery right.
Charging phones overnight has been a nightmare for some people for a while now? Some people say it damages the battery, some say it doesn't. Battery Checker helps prevent that by alerting you whenever your phone is fully charged and still connected. Battery Checker doesn't even have to be open to perform, it runs in the background. It also gives a notification in case a deaf is using it or in case you missed the sound. Anyway it keeps making that horrible noise until you disconnect it.
You can minimize degradation by treating your battery right.
Charging phones overnight has been a nightmare for some people for a while now? Some people say it damages the battery, some say it doesn't. Battery Checker helps prevent that by alerting you whenever your phone is fully charged and still connected. Battery Checker doesn't even have to be open to perform, it runs in the background. It also gives a notification in case a deaf is using it or in case you missed the sound. Anyway it keeps making that horrible noise until you disconnect it.
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