We are 'MIZ TEAM' from England.
Perfect prediction!
Best solution for you!
With the highest pickster and the top-notch Free tip!
- Enjoy our Green Service for free.
- You can get daily updates on Green tips.
- We will send a push notification when it's updated tips.
- We will send you a game result push alarm.
- UX/UI is very simple and easy to use even for beginners.
We are dedicated to providing the best service.
Your rating will help improving our data.
Updates List
+ Updated Prediction algorithm
+ Changed the Mizpick app icon/ logo
+ Fixed UX / UI
+ Fixed the Mizteam tap
+ Added Contact us tab
+ Added event frame
+ Speed of the app is optimized
+ The performance of the app is optimized
+ Bug fix
Perfect prediction!
Best solution for you!
With the highest pickster and the top-notch Free tip!
- Enjoy our Green Service for free.
- You can get daily updates on Green tips.
- We will send a push notification when it's updated tips.
- We will send you a game result push alarm.
- UX/UI is very simple and easy to use even for beginners.
We are dedicated to providing the best service.
Your rating will help improving our data.
Updates List
+ Updated Prediction algorithm
+ Changed the Mizpick app icon/ logo
+ Fixed UX / UI
+ Fixed the Mizteam tap
+ Added Contact us tab
+ Added event frame
+ Speed of the app is optimized
+ The performance of the app is optimized
+ Bug fix
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