Catholic Apologetics is an application that contains a variety of content for the training of practical Catholics that the Church needs. In its first release, Apoloética Católica contains 349 topics from different authors to study, and as the application is being updated, new content will be added. Updates made within Catholic Apologetics will be reflected immediately.
Currently Catholic Apologetics has approximately 1,133 topics available.
Apoloética Católica Pro does not contain ads, so you can navigate within the app without interruptions.
There is no doubt that the only truth is found in the Catholic Church, the only doctrine that we all must receive. In Catholic Apologetics it will help you to form and stand firm in the only faith that we profess, it will help you not to fall into confusion when you hear Protestant doctrine.
If you have any suggestions, you can let us know in the comments or contact us directly.
If you want to collaborate with one or more Catholic Apologetics topics to improve the application, you are welcome.
* Contains a menu of Catholic themes.
* Contains a menu of Catholic audio themes.
* Contains a Biblical Quiz.
* Contains a menu of Catholic Stations from various countries.
* Contains the Holy Rosary in Audio for Spanish and Latin speakers.
* Send messages by chat and by email to the developer.
* Notifications to keep up to date with news.
* Index of all Catholic topics.
1. Being Catholic (139 topics).
2. Learn to defend your faith (33 topics).
3. Answers to defend the faith (75 topics).
4. Biblical Answers (90 topics).
5. Not everyone who says Lord, Lord! (13 topics).
6. Answering some questions (435 topics).
7. Interpretation of the Bible (29 topics).
8. Black legends of the Church (51 themes).
9. Homilies and Catechesis of Pope Francis (18 themes).
10. The Sacraments, their need and importance (59 topics).
11. Biblical Exegesis (17 topics).
12. Life is a struggle (14 tracks).
13. Truths of the Catholic faith (17 topics).
14. The Supper of the Lamb: the Bible and the Mass (6 themes).
15. Various topics (138 topics).
16. Biblical teachings with Father Luis Toro (7 topics)
Each category contains a variety of Catholic Apologetics content.
May God and the Blessed Virgin bless you and keep you always.
Currently Catholic Apologetics has approximately 1,133 topics available.
Apoloética Católica Pro does not contain ads, so you can navigate within the app without interruptions.
There is no doubt that the only truth is found in the Catholic Church, the only doctrine that we all must receive. In Catholic Apologetics it will help you to form and stand firm in the only faith that we profess, it will help you not to fall into confusion when you hear Protestant doctrine.
If you have any suggestions, you can let us know in the comments or contact us directly.
If you want to collaborate with one or more Catholic Apologetics topics to improve the application, you are welcome.
* Contains a menu of Catholic themes.
* Contains a menu of Catholic audio themes.
* Contains a Biblical Quiz.
* Contains a menu of Catholic Stations from various countries.
* Contains the Holy Rosary in Audio for Spanish and Latin speakers.
* Send messages by chat and by email to the developer.
* Notifications to keep up to date with news.
* Index of all Catholic topics.
1. Being Catholic (139 topics).
2. Learn to defend your faith (33 topics).
3. Answers to defend the faith (75 topics).
4. Biblical Answers (90 topics).
5. Not everyone who says Lord, Lord! (13 topics).
6. Answering some questions (435 topics).
7. Interpretation of the Bible (29 topics).
8. Black legends of the Church (51 themes).
9. Homilies and Catechesis of Pope Francis (18 themes).
10. The Sacraments, their need and importance (59 topics).
11. Biblical Exegesis (17 topics).
12. Life is a struggle (14 tracks).
13. Truths of the Catholic faith (17 topics).
14. The Supper of the Lamb: the Bible and the Mass (6 themes).
15. Various topics (138 topics).
16. Biblical teachings with Father Luis Toro (7 topics)
Each category contains a variety of Catholic Apologetics content.
May God and the Blessed Virgin bless you and keep you always.
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