100+ Integrity Report Cards for News Media
A to F grades for overall reliability, integrity, neutrality, independent, fact-based reporting
based on detailed, impartial, transparent research
utilizing the most reliable data sources currently available, including:
Ad Fontes Media Reliability Ratings
Media Bias Fact Check Scores
All Sides Media Bias Ratings
International Fact Checking Network
Respected Journalism Awards
Junk media is everywhere. Clear thinking requires a thoughtful, balanced, fact-based media diet.
This research was compiled by students at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA doing a detailed analysis of media integrity and bias in a sociology course taught by Professor Ellis Jones.
A to F grades for overall reliability, integrity, neutrality, independent, fact-based reporting
based on detailed, impartial, transparent research
utilizing the most reliable data sources currently available, including:
Ad Fontes Media Reliability Ratings
Media Bias Fact Check Scores
All Sides Media Bias Ratings
International Fact Checking Network
Respected Journalism Awards
Junk media is everywhere. Clear thinking requires a thoughtful, balanced, fact-based media diet.
This research was compiled by students at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA doing a detailed analysis of media integrity and bias in a sociology course taught by Professor Ellis Jones.
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