성경 일독 - 큰글씨, 개역개정, 개역한글, 새번역,  icon

성경 일독 - 큰글씨, 개역개정, 개역한글, 새번역,

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About 성경 일독 - 큰글씨, 개역개정, 개역한글, 새번역,

7 ways to read the Bible

1) Understand the value of God's Word
2) Be guided by the Holy Spirit
3) Distinguish time from place
4) Focus on quality, not quantity
5) Write a Cutie Diary (or Meditation Note)
6) Ask a question
7) Apply

http://veritas.kr/articles/19769/20160222/Bible Readings-How to Be Available-7 Ways.htm

================================================== ===

7 practical ways to grow in your Bible reading

1) Understand the value of the Word
2) Be lead by the Spirit
3) Set a time and place
4) Focus on the quality, not the quantity
5) Journal
6) Ask Questions
7) Apply


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성경 일독 - 큰글씨, 개역개정, 개역한글, 새번역, Screenshots