The History and Meaning of Christmas (Christmas)
Since now is December, it's time for Christians to celebrate Christmas, we try to discuss what Christmas really is. There is a lot that can be discussed here. Starting from the tradition of Christmas celebrations, Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, even the truth of whether or not the election on December 25th.
Christmas or Christmas comes from the word Cristes maesse, a phrase in English which means Mass of Christ. The word Christmas is also often abbreviated as Xmas. In Greek, X is the first word in the name of Christ (Jesus).
Since now is December, it's time for Christians to celebrate Christmas, we try to discuss what Christmas really is. There is a lot that can be discussed here. Starting from the tradition of Christmas celebrations, Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, even the truth of whether or not the election on December 25th.
Christmas or Christmas comes from the word Cristes maesse, a phrase in English which means Mass of Christ. The word Christmas is also often abbreviated as Xmas. In Greek, X is the first word in the name of Christ (Jesus).
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