Aficiones Unidas (AFEPE) was born from the concern of several presidents of pe & Ntilde; as to unite their efforts in favor of a noble football, free from violence and competitive, that serves as a common thread of friendship and harmony between the different hobbies.
AFEPE is a non-profit association founded in 1999 to establish, among other things, meeting points that foster relationships between football fans and between the federations of pe & Ntilde; as, pe & Ntilde; as and pe & Ntilde; istas.
The commitment of both LaLiga and Aficiones Unidas in recent years has been to work against violence, racism and intolerance in the sports field through conferences, congresses, seminars and meetings to encourage twinning among fans. and the rejection of violence as well as collaborating with public or private institutions for the fulfillment of their aims.
Currently, a total of 50 federations of football clubs are part of Aficiones Unidas, representing clubs from the Santander League, Liga 1I2I3 and Second Division B. All of them grouped under an umbrella in which more than 1,300,000 fans distributed among nearly 14,000 different pe & Ntilde; as in 2017, thanks to continued growth in recent years due to the intense work carried out by LaLiga and Aficiones Unidas
AFEPE is a non-profit association founded in 1999 to establish, among other things, meeting points that foster relationships between football fans and between the federations of pe & Ntilde; as, pe & Ntilde; as and pe & Ntilde; istas.
The commitment of both LaLiga and Aficiones Unidas in recent years has been to work against violence, racism and intolerance in the sports field through conferences, congresses, seminars and meetings to encourage twinning among fans. and the rejection of violence as well as collaborating with public or private institutions for the fulfillment of their aims.
Currently, a total of 50 federations of football clubs are part of Aficiones Unidas, representing clubs from the Santander League, Liga 1I2I3 and Second Division B. All of them grouped under an umbrella in which more than 1,300,000 fans distributed among nearly 14,000 different pe & Ntilde; as in 2017, thanks to continued growth in recent years due to the intense work carried out by LaLiga and Aficiones Unidas
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