EasyImageCropper is a photo cropping app. You can select any part of the image or photo by moving and remove unwanted portions of the image and zoom in . You can then select from heart or trapezoidal or oval or circular overlay in which to frame the part of the picture. You can share the resulting image. Merging two photos into one which no other cropper provides is our unique feature.Processing happens in seconds!
Save cropped image.
Share the photo on Facebbook, WhatsApp, Gmail, DropBox, OneDrive , GoogleDrive etc.
Source Image can be Camera, files on your phone, Gallery , photos or Drive.
Finally you can merge two different photos into one to create a photo of your parents, sons or daughters,favourite stars, gods or any other of your choice
The screenshot below shows App screen after when the App is started . From left to right the icons on the top show Source select, Share (Email for example) and the overflow menu.
Save cropped image.
Share the photo on Facebbook, WhatsApp, Gmail, DropBox, OneDrive , GoogleDrive etc.
Source Image can be Camera, files on your phone, Gallery , photos or Drive.
Finally you can merge two different photos into one to create a photo of your parents, sons or daughters,favourite stars, gods or any other of your choice
The screenshot below shows App screen after when the App is started . From left to right the icons on the top show Source select, Share (Email for example) and the overflow menu.
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