Satyanarayan Vrat Katha icon

Satyanarayan Vrat Katha

Shivaay Technologies
5,000+ downloads

About Satyanarayan Vrat Katha

Satyanarayan Vrat is an auspicious fast in hindu religion. People often perform fast and read Satyanarayan Katha on this day .
Hindus throughout perform Sri Satyanarayan Vrat for the divine blessings of health, wealth, prosperity, opulence, education; relief from troubles and sickness. It can also be performed because of success in business or career growth; during social functions like marriages, house-warming ceremonies, naming of the children and so on.
This app is an attempt to allow keeping the handy Katha book on the mobile on go.


★ Beautiful collection of Satyanarayan Dev images.
★ Set the wallpaper functionality.
★ You can minimize app easily by minimize button.
★ Play/Pause options available for audio.
★ App can be moved to SD Card from device settings.

Note: Please give us feedback & ratings for support.

Satyanarayan Vrat Katha Screenshots