Страна негодяев. Есенин С.  +  icon

Страна негодяев. Есенин С. +

Студия АРДИС
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About Страна негодяев. Есенин С. +

We offer you poems, poems and a play by Sergei Yesenin performed by Dmitry Bykov.
The audiobook includes the works of the poet: "Heavenly Drummer", "Sorokoust", "Pugachev", "Country of Scoundrels", "Black Man", and also included a lecture - a fascinating story by Dmitry Bykov about the read works.

Genre: Russian classics
Publisher: ARDIS
Authors: Yesenin S.
Performers: Bykov D.
Duration: 02 hours. 05 min
Age restrictions: 12+
All rights reserved

Страна негодяев. Есенин С. + Screenshots