Valentin Pikul - famous writer, author of popular historical novels. Pikul was the first to open the Soviet reader of Russian history, was able to interesting and fun to talk about the real historical facts and characters. His works were read avidly, his books were queues at bookshops.
"Battle of the Iron Chancellor" - a novel about the complicated Russian-German relations during the most difficult political crisis of European 50-70-ies of the XIX century. In the center of the story - the diplomatic duel between the Chancellor Prince Alexander Gorchakov and his antipode - German Chancellor Otto Bismarck.
The book is a logical continuation of the novel "Pen and Sword" and is determined by the writer as a purely political affair, "without embellishment. No fiction. No lyrics. The novel of the history of Russian diplomacy. "
Series: Historical Library
Genre: History. Biographies. Memoirs
Publisher: ARDIS
Author: Pikul VS
Artist: Samoilov
Playing time: 16 hours. 11 min.
Age limit: 12+
"Battle of the Iron Chancellor" - a novel about the complicated Russian-German relations during the most difficult political crisis of European 50-70-ies of the XIX century. In the center of the story - the diplomatic duel between the Chancellor Prince Alexander Gorchakov and his antipode - German Chancellor Otto Bismarck.
The book is a logical continuation of the novel "Pen and Sword" and is determined by the writer as a purely political affair, "without embellishment. No fiction. No lyrics. The novel of the history of Russian diplomacy. "
Series: Historical Library
Genre: History. Biographies. Memoirs
Publisher: ARDIS
Author: Pikul VS
Artist: Samoilov
Playing time: 16 hours. 11 min.
Age limit: 12+
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