Natanovich Arkady and Boris N. Strugatsky - the classics of modern scientific and social science fiction. Artworks Strugatsky published in translation in 42 languages in 33 countries. In Russian published four full collection of their works. "Land of Crimson Clouds" - a fantastic adventure story, the debut book by the Strugatsky brothers, written in the late 1950s, before the flight into space.
Crew photon planetolёta "Khius-2" is sent on an expedition to Venus, where brave researchers to be discovered deposits of uranium Golconda. But Venus is not going to back down without a fight. Under the purple sky brutal planet heroes waiting sandstorms, nuclear explosions and mysterious illness. And yet they have to figure out what is behind the last words Tahmasib geologist, a member of the previous expedition, who died under mysterious circumstances, "Fear red ring ..."
Series: Strugatsky. Collected Works
Genre fiction. Fantasy. Mystic
Publisher: ARDIS
Authors: Strugatsky AN, BN Strugatsky
Artists: P. Kaledin
Playing time 12 hour 26 minutes
Age limit: 12+
All rights reserved
Crew photon planetolёta "Khius-2" is sent on an expedition to Venus, where brave researchers to be discovered deposits of uranium Golconda. But Venus is not going to back down without a fight. Under the purple sky brutal planet heroes waiting sandstorms, nuclear explosions and mysterious illness. And yet they have to figure out what is behind the last words Tahmasib geologist, a member of the previous expedition, who died under mysterious circumstances, "Fear red ring ..."
Series: Strugatsky. Collected Works
Genre fiction. Fantasy. Mystic
Publisher: ARDIS
Authors: Strugatsky AN, BN Strugatsky
Artists: P. Kaledin
Playing time 12 hour 26 minutes
Age limit: 12+
All rights reserved
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