Some people think if they just tell you to 'be happy' they'll solve everything These wallpapers are for those of you who know that's not true
There's a certain bitter comfort in recognizing that we are not alone in our sadness In this app you will find wallpapers that reflect your broken emotions assuring you that you are not alone in feeling lonely These wallpapers feature powerful photographs full of sentiments such as despair a lonely winter day or bitter irony beautiful flowers in muted colors With each image comes a striking quote about despair loneliness or depression Everyone's pain looks a little different but whether you are numb inside or feel sharp stabs of destructive angst there are plenty of quotes that will speak to your broken soul
These wallpapers will not try minimize your hurt but will remind you that a community of sad people like yourself does exist Consider it a brief does of selftherapy
There's a certain bitter comfort in recognizing that we are not alone in our sadness In this app you will find wallpapers that reflect your broken emotions assuring you that you are not alone in feeling lonely These wallpapers feature powerful photographs full of sentiments such as despair a lonely winter day or bitter irony beautiful flowers in muted colors With each image comes a striking quote about despair loneliness or depression Everyone's pain looks a little different but whether you are numb inside or feel sharp stabs of destructive angst there are plenty of quotes that will speak to your broken soul
These wallpapers will not try minimize your hurt but will remind you that a community of sad people like yourself does exist Consider it a brief does of selftherapy
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