Taxi and Limousine Driver App
Arghon Transport Taxi Driver app helps taxi and limousine drivers’ book, track, and manage, taxi and limousine rides. Track your daily totals for Trips, Fares, Tips and Fuel expenses.
Create Your Own Taxi Account
To use the driver app you must create your own taxi or limousine company account or be a driver for a company with an Arghon Transport account. Adding a new account takes less than 2 minutes.
Taxi Dispatcher Console
The driver app works with the Arghon Transport Dispatcher Console which taxi and limousine dispatchers use to book or schedule taxi rides. Communication between the driver app and dispatcher console is in real-time, allowing dispatcher to know the exact status of each vehicle. A dispatcher console is created for you automatically when you create your driver account.
Can I use the taxi app with 1 vehicle?
Yes, many of our users are one vehicle companies with no human dispatcher. Within the app you can manage and track your rides. You can always add more vehicles as your business expands through the dispatcher web console.
Your Own Passenger app
Passengers use the Arghon Personal A.I. app to directly book taxi rides. Rides are automatically assigned to drivers through the dispatcher console.
You can easily configure the Arghon Personal A.I. app as your own taxi company app. No need to spend thousands of dollars building and promoting your own passenger app. For more information, including our terms of service agreement, visit us at
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