All content and services Montevideo Portal in one place. We are the first 100% digital means the country where you can inform, entertain and feel more connected to Uruguay, the region and the world.
Key features and functionalities:
Visualise our content via an intuitive menu and organized by sections, with national and international coverage of all issues.
Instantly access photos, videos and multimedia content quality and definition.
See instantly what is happening right now in our "Last minute" and look what is creating sensation in the "read more".
Enter your account for a more social and entertaining experience, you can comment, vote comments, interact with the community and participate in exclusive sweepstakes for our readers.
Share the content you want with your friends quickly with social networking buttons.
Customize your profile and enables or disables notifications. Montevideo Portal will notify you when it happens an event of great importance or gravity to keep you informed at all times.
Give yourself to our draws for tickets to shows, football matches and other cultural events directly from the app with your account.
sections including:
- News
- Sports
- Canal M
- Women and Health
- Free time
- Pantallazo
- Science and Technology
- Airbag
- Gastronomy
- Opinion
- Business
Links to other of our services:
- Weather forecasts
- Horoscope
- Billboard
- Lotteries and football pools
- Recharges cell
- Visa Montevideo COMM
- MVD Collection
- All PC
- We like to read
- Social networks
Key features and functionalities:
Visualise our content via an intuitive menu and organized by sections, with national and international coverage of all issues.
Instantly access photos, videos and multimedia content quality and definition.
See instantly what is happening right now in our "Last minute" and look what is creating sensation in the "read more".
Enter your account for a more social and entertaining experience, you can comment, vote comments, interact with the community and participate in exclusive sweepstakes for our readers.
Share the content you want with your friends quickly with social networking buttons.
Customize your profile and enables or disables notifications. Montevideo Portal will notify you when it happens an event of great importance or gravity to keep you informed at all times.
Give yourself to our draws for tickets to shows, football matches and other cultural events directly from the app with your account.
sections including:
- News
- Sports
- Canal M
- Women and Health
- Free time
- Pantallazo
- Science and Technology
- Airbag
- Gastronomy
- Opinion
- Business
Links to other of our services:
- Weather forecasts
- Horoscope
- Billboard
- Lotteries and football pools
- Recharges cell
- Visa Montevideo COMM
- MVD Collection
- All PC
- We like to read
- Social networks
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