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Amtsilatut Tashrif Sharaf

Artha Digitech
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About Amtsilatut Tashrif Sharaf

Nahwu is the father of science, while Sharaf is the mother. This expression is popular in the pesantren environment. It is as if the above aphorism confirms to us that in order to obtain and reveal knowledge, especially sharia science, we must master nahwu as the father of sciences, while a father is incomplete without his mother. Thus, the science of sharaf is as important as the science of nahwu as the two masters of Arabic grammar. To read the Arabic-language turats (tradition) books, of course we need nahwu knowledge to ensure the accuracy of the arrangement of words that will have implications for the meaning of a sentence. Without the science of nahwu, we will never be able to achieve meaning in the texts of the turats book. However, there is another science that we must master, namely the science of sharaf as a partner of the science of nahwu. These two sciences are different. If the science of nahwu studies the changes that occur at the end of words, while the science of sharaf studies changes in the form of words from one form to another. The two complement each other.

There are so many books that discuss neuroscience specifically, such as 'Sharf Science and Nadh al-Maqshd, or those that are combined with nahwu science, such as Awdhah al-Masâlik ilâ Alfiyah Ibn Malik, Syarh Qothrunnadâ, Jâmi 'ad-Durūs, and others. However, most of the books above fall into the category of "heavyweight" books, not allowed directly for beginners. Therefore, generally novice students in Islamic boarding schools will use the book al-Amtsilah at-Tashrifiyah in studying the science of sharaf.

Kitab al-Amtislah at-Tasrfiyyah was written by KH Muhammad Ma'shum bin Ali when he was 19 years old. KH Ma'shum was born in Maskumambang, Gresik, from the Seblak Islamic Boarding School in Jombang. Kiai Ma'shum is the son-in-law of Hadratus Shaykh KH Hasyim Asyari. His full name is Muhammad Ma'shum bin Ali bin Abdul Jabbar al-Maskumambani. Kiai Ma'shum is a prolific scholar, among his works are Al-Amtsilah At-Tashrifiyyah, Fathul Qadir, ad-Durus Al-Falakiyah, and Badi'atul Mitsal.

The specialty of the Amsilatut Tasrifiyah book compared to other sharaf books is its systematic arrangement from the start of the mujarrad tsulatsi onwards in succession, and starts from at-tashrîf al-ishtilâhi to at-tashrîf al-lughawi. The structure is simple and immediately displays examples without much theory, so this book is worthy of being used as an initial guide for students in studying the science of sharaf, especially mubtadi'in (beginner students).

Feature :

+ Complete Shorof Rules
+ Tashrîf Ishtilâhi
+ Clear Arabic Text
+ Page Zoom feature
+ Block, Copy & Paste (Copy - Paste) feature
+ Simple Design & Easy to Use
+ Light & Fast
+ Offline
+ Especially for terminology, we recommend using landscape mode

Studying the transfer of word forms from one to another using the al-Amtsilah at-Tashrîfiyah book will make it easier for us to weigh and track changes in other words that are not listed in the examples of this book. It's just that, sometimes studying word form changes from examples will make it a little difficult for us to find words that are foreign to us, whether the changes are the same as this example, or that example. Yes, although this happens very little. Although systematic and easy, al-Amtsilah at-Tashrîfiyah contains only a few explanations, and this can be understood from the title of this book, al-Amtsilah at-Tasrifiyah which if we interpret it as "examples of tashrif (changes in word form)". Although the explanations in this book are very few, they cover quite a few important parts.

The application of sorof and tasrif rules is still far from perfect, we continue to develop this application by adding more comprehensive features, such as tasrif lughawi and so on. Hopefully this Amsilah Tasrif Book can be useful and bring blessings.

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