Indian FM Radios:100+ stations icon

Indian FM Radios:100+ stations

Ashok Adhikari
4.2 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Indian FM Radios:100+ stations

Contains more than 100 radio stations including number of regional language stations.


★ FM Stations in Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada in one place.
★ FM radio can run even when the app is minimized so you can do other things while listening to radio.
★ Manage your favorite list of stations.
★ Add Alarm sleep timer to play radio for specified time.
★ Search capability on Stations makes it easy to find station you are looking for.
★ Easy to play, stop and navigate next/previous stations.
★ Notification on station being played.

Indian FM Radios:100+ stations Screenshots