Look out! There's a doctor in the house and this mad surgeon has 8 scalpels! His name is Dr. Octo Rex and he's going to "doctor-up" your tracks with the ability to slice and dice 8 (count ‘em) REX files at the same time to create the coolest rhythmic mashup ever!
Mo Volans (our very own in-house Dr. of Reasonology) takes us to the operating room and amazes us with his virtuosic knowledge of how the extraordinary new Dr. Octo Rex works. So scrub up, put on your rubber gloves and start slicing along with Mo as he shows us the Art of Sonic Surgery with this advanced new rack device: Dr. Octo Rex!
Mo Volans (our very own in-house Dr. of Reasonology) takes us to the operating room and amazes us with his virtuosic knowledge of how the extraordinary new Dr. Octo Rex works. So scrub up, put on your rubber gloves and start slicing along with Mo as he shows us the Art of Sonic Surgery with this advanced new rack device: Dr. Octo Rex!
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