21 Solitaire Games icon

21 Solitaire Games

A Trillion Games Ltd
4.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About 21 Solitaire Games

A collection of 21 carefully chosen, quality solitaire games. Includes Klondike (all versions), FreeCell (1 and 2 decks), Spider (4, 2 and 1 suit), Penguin, Lady Jane, Russian Solitaire, Australian Patience, Forty Thieves, Easthaven, Scorpion, Simple Simon, Blind Alley, Westcliff, Diplomat, Eight Off, Sea Towers.

- Single-click auto-move functions
- Auto-finish
- Adjustable difficulty level
- Hint system
- A thousand undo/redo levels
- Persistent/resettable statistics for each solitaire