Father's Day, the occasion to celebrate a fundamental figure within a family. The strong ones who lifted us up as children, the ones who still make us laugh today, and the ones who took care of us and to whom we want to say thank you. For this reason, we have selected for you the best phrases, famous quotes and funny messages about dads, to send as a greeting on their day.
When we are small they are infallible heroes, then as they grow up they become our equals to deal with. And even when they may appear less solid in old age, our dads always watch over us.
March 19, according to the calendar of saints, is Saint Joseph's day and it is precisely on this date that Father's Day occurs in Italy and in other Catholic countries.
On this particular day, but also on all the others of the year, it is good to remind our dad how important he is and, even when he is gone, how much space he occupies in our hearts.
When we are small they are infallible heroes, then as they grow up they become our equals to deal with. And even when they may appear less solid in old age, our dads always watch over us.
March 19, according to the calendar of saints, is Saint Joseph's day and it is precisely on this date that Father's Day occurs in Italy and in other Catholic countries.
On this particular day, but also on all the others of the year, it is good to remind our dad how important he is and, even when he is gone, how much space he occupies in our hearts.
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