4BAGR allows Cornhole league runners to easily create and manage their leagues or tournaments while also allowing players to easily join and participate.
- Create a new league or tournament in minutes
- Easily generate a round robin schedule
- Implement a handicapping system to help keep leagues fair
- Support for up to 100 teams
- Set league duration to any amount of weeks
- Easily manage teams, rosters, and scores
Out of the box you have access to:
- Easy to use scoreboard
- Automatically updated standings and handicaps
- Score form for users to input their own scores
- Nation wide search page to find leagues and tournaments by location
- Plus many more!
- Create a new league or tournament in minutes
- Easily generate a round robin schedule
- Implement a handicapping system to help keep leagues fair
- Support for up to 100 teams
- Set league duration to any amount of weeks
- Easily manage teams, rosters, and scores
Out of the box you have access to:
- Easy to use scoreboard
- Automatically updated standings and handicaps
- Score form for users to input their own scores
- Nation wide search page to find leagues and tournaments by location
- Plus many more!
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