Currently, in most aviaries management is completely manual, causing information to be lost during the period of housing of the chickens. Soon data relevant to production are impacted, as a producer does not have concrete information about profit, weight, among other information.
This application aims to facilitate the management of aviaries, where producers can register the number of sheds, start a housing and report daily data regarding the amount of mortality, amount of feed, weight. Thus, in real time the producer will be able to visualize in real time the progress of his batch until slaughter. In addition, the producer will be able to attach important documents, make comparisons with previous batches and much more.
This application aims to facilitate the management of aviaries, where producers can register the number of sheds, start a housing and report daily data regarding the amount of mortality, amount of feed, weight. Thus, in real time the producer will be able to visualize in real time the progress of his batch until slaughter. In addition, the producer will be able to attach important documents, make comparisons with previous batches and much more.
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