Aves de Costa Rica icon

Aves de Costa Rica

Mauricio Calderón Rivera
4.4 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Aves de Costa Rica

Costa Rican birds with images of 831 birds

★ Birds with photos, description and more.
★ Make your bird lists of your favorite sites.
★ Mark a species as a view (Press the species in the bird list to display the buttons)
★ Mark several species as a favorite (To be used as a temporary list if you like)
★ See your list of species seen
★ Import your list of bird views created in http://www.avesdecostarica.com
★ Export your list to http://www.avesdecostarica.com
★ Customize bird song (In the internal memory of your device there is a folder called AvesCR include the song of the species, the file must be mp3 and with the name of the bird Ex: Accipiter bicolor.mp3)
★ Option to update Scientific Name and Name in English
★ Share bird photos
★ Send bird photo to identify it with the community
★ 3 photos per species (If there is female or juvenile)

Aves de Costa Rica Screenshots