Speak & Translate:
- Translate with voice to all other languages easily and quickly.
- Translate Via text to all languages just by one click.
- Supported all available languages to translate quickly.
- Translate text & voice easily using interactive interface.
- Swap & Translate text & voice by simply one click.
- By using mic it will translate automatically.
- After getting translation you can listen translationnslations through mic.
Voice Translator:
- Using Voice translator you can translate into multiple languages.
- You can translate anything you wants to translate into any language using voice translator.
- Voice translator is very quick and easy to translate text & voice.
- After getting translation from voice translator you can share translation text with your friends easily through any social media app.
- In voice translator you can check your all history translations that you did before.
- You can also delete all history translations from voice translator by simply one click.
- Voice translator supported all available languages.
English Dictionary:
- English to english dictionary is very quick and easy to use.
- In English dictionary every word gives you all details.
- English dictionary provides phonetics of searched word and meanings.
- Englih dictionary provides defintion with examples of searche word.
- English dictionary provides synonyms & antonyms of searche word.
- In englisd dictionary you can listen the phonetics of the word.
Daily Used Phrases:
- In daily phrases we added some daily life used phrases that are already translated into other languages.
- Daily used phrases there are different categories so that user can find easily required phrases easily.
- These are the some categories of phrases like Greetings, General Conversations, Numbers, Time & Date, Transportations etc.
- You can share daily used phrases with your friends easily.
- You can listen daily used phrases of other translated languages easily.
There are always people who face problems while communicating with other people that dont know your language, so we developed an app Voice Translator that will surely help you to communicate with your friends that are from another country or region. Voice translator is very easy to use and voice translator solves most of your problems to communicate with others, language-speaking persons. We know its always tough to write for most of the people who wants to communicate, so we added feature of Voice translations so that you can easily translate via voice to any other language.
Here are the list of top langauges that's are supported by Voice Translator App:
-> English to Chinese & Vice Versa.
-> English to Punjabi & Vice Versa.
-> English to Korean & Vice Versa.
-> English to Japanese & vice versa.
-> English to Russian & vice versa.
-> English to Portuguese & vice versa.
-> English to Bengali & vice versa.
-> English to Hindi & vice versa.
-> English to Arabic & vice versa.
-> English to Spanish & vice versa.
-> English to Urdu & vice versa.
Download Now this Amazing Voice Translator and Enjoy by doing Translations to all other languages.
- Translate with voice to all other languages easily and quickly.
- Translate Via text to all languages just by one click.
- Supported all available languages to translate quickly.
- Translate text & voice easily using interactive interface.
- Swap & Translate text & voice by simply one click.
- By using mic it will translate automatically.
- After getting translation you can listen translationnslations through mic.
Voice Translator:
- Using Voice translator you can translate into multiple languages.
- You can translate anything you wants to translate into any language using voice translator.
- Voice translator is very quick and easy to translate text & voice.
- After getting translation from voice translator you can share translation text with your friends easily through any social media app.
- In voice translator you can check your all history translations that you did before.
- You can also delete all history translations from voice translator by simply one click.
- Voice translator supported all available languages.
English Dictionary:
- English to english dictionary is very quick and easy to use.
- In English dictionary every word gives you all details.
- English dictionary provides phonetics of searched word and meanings.
- Englih dictionary provides defintion with examples of searche word.
- English dictionary provides synonyms & antonyms of searche word.
- In englisd dictionary you can listen the phonetics of the word.
Daily Used Phrases:
- In daily phrases we added some daily life used phrases that are already translated into other languages.
- Daily used phrases there are different categories so that user can find easily required phrases easily.
- These are the some categories of phrases like Greetings, General Conversations, Numbers, Time & Date, Transportations etc.
- You can share daily used phrases with your friends easily.
- You can listen daily used phrases of other translated languages easily.
There are always people who face problems while communicating with other people that dont know your language, so we developed an app Voice Translator that will surely help you to communicate with your friends that are from another country or region. Voice translator is very easy to use and voice translator solves most of your problems to communicate with others, language-speaking persons. We know its always tough to write for most of the people who wants to communicate, so we added feature of Voice translations so that you can easily translate via voice to any other language.
Here are the list of top langauges that's are supported by Voice Translator App:
-> English to Chinese & Vice Versa.
-> English to Punjabi & Vice Versa.
-> English to Korean & Vice Versa.
-> English to Japanese & vice versa.
-> English to Russian & vice versa.
-> English to Portuguese & vice versa.
-> English to Bengali & vice versa.
-> English to Hindi & vice versa.
-> English to Arabic & vice versa.
-> English to Spanish & vice versa.
-> English to Urdu & vice versa.
Download Now this Amazing Voice Translator and Enjoy by doing Translations to all other languages.
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